Burundi Politics: Behind the scenes of Nditije’s voting at the head of the CNARED: the fight Bamvuginyumvira v / s Minani

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On February 28, CNARED elected a new leadership after more than a month of postponement of the election to replace Dr. Jean Minani’s team. The latter, who intended to stay, could not pass the lobbying of the Sahwanya Frodebu which he did not want the candidate.

When Minani finds that he missed a vote to remain at the head of the CNARED, facing Nditije who collects 14 of the 27 presences in the meeting, he turns to Bamvuginyumvira and cowards: “Call Bujumbura to tell your friends that You had my head “. There is much frustration in this sentence, that the outgoing president is launching after more than a month of intense efforts to rally opponents still sitting in the CNARED behind his name. He wants to stay, this Minani who never really supported being second in the political parties.

Thus, after his disappointment in 2005 as presidential candidate of Sahwanya Frodebu, the party was taken by Leonce Ngandakumana, arousing the frustration of Minani who then preferred to ally with the Cndd-Fdd by founding the Frodebu Nyakuri. The divorce will come on the eve of 2015. According to reliable sources, the opposition of Dr. Jean Minani to the project of constitutional change and then to the renewal of Nkurunziza by the Cndd-Fdd would have held to the ruling clumsiness of the ruling party more than To the principles of the elected of Kirundo.

When Nyangoma leads CNARED in the summer of 2015, Minani again supports the second roles and foments the blow that will eject him of the coalition presidency a few months later.

The CNARED to the rhythm of the enmities of the Frodebutses

On the eve of the election, several members of CNARED called Bamvuginyamvira to participate despite his suspension of the coalition by Minani three weeks earlier. The Sahwanya Frodebu gives the go-ahead from Bujumbura, under intense efforts from Minani and former president Domition Ndayizeye who do not want to see this party in the meeting in Brussels.

Bamvuginyumvira settled in the first meeting room before the start of the game to put his detractors to the point. What does not please Minani, when he enters: “You could not miss this opportunity to come and sow the mess.”
A measured response from the former vice-president: “You have suspended me as vice-president of the CNARED, I am here as the representative of a political party.”

And the polemic begins. The participants in the meeting must decide: Bamvuginyumvira stays or not? The MSD of Alexis Sinduhije represented by Pancrace Cimpaye and Shuga wants him to leave: “If Bamvuga remains, we go out. Or when all those who have been punished come to this meeting. ” Finally, those who want to remain will be the most numerous.
The MSD will slam the door leaving a proxy to the former boss of the National Assembly, Pie Ntavyohanyuma.

Immediately afterwards, a new controversy began: in the list of parties that were going to vote, voters learned that three parties initially coalition members had been suspended from the CNARED. These are the ALIDE, the Abanyamwete party and the ANADDE.
Here, too, the assembly agrees to let everybody vote because this suspension has never been brought to the attention of all.

At the time of voting, there are two candidates: Nditije na Minani. They will share 27 votes, including 4 from Bujumbura and 23 from Brussels. All those who come from Bujumbura will vote for Minani, following the lobbying of Ndayizeye. And when the assembly learns that it is Charles Nditije who elects, Bernard Busokoza who supported Minani will leave the meeting before the end.

The candidature of Bamvuginyumvira will be rejected again during the vote of the 2nd vice-president of the CNARED. Post that will return to a first time slinger, Onésime Nduwimana.

In the aftermath of this vote, it is the opponent Tatien Sibomana who will have the most pertinent remark about the new leadership of the CNARED: “Given the configuration of the new CNARED board, it is individuals who are elected, not parties Policies “.

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