Arusha: Eight points to discuss regrouped into four large groups

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The fourth session of the dialogue, which was scheduled to start on Thursday, finally began this Friday. The facilitator in the Burundi conflict regroups the eight points to be dealt with in four main sets.

In his opening address, facilitator Benjamin Mkapa pleads for the maintenance of the spirit of Arusha. It also opposes the amendment of the constitution and the organization of a referendum on the constitution. For the former Tanzanian President, the urgent issues that need to be addressed quickly include the consolidation of the political climate, the search for solutions on economic issues, especially in areas where sanctions have been taken by the international community, Conditions favorable to the return of refugees but also the creation of favorable conditions for the return of political exiles.

The party in power via its secretary general, on the other hand, highlights the return of Burundians in exile. Evarste Ndayishimiye finds all the conditions of return together and the politicians in exile have only to return to the country for a better future of the elections of 2020.

The delegation of the platform of the opposition in exile finally meets the facilitator Benjamin Mkapa. Anicet Niyonkuru, secretary-general of the Cnared, calls on the Bujumbura power to get back together and agree to discuss with the opposition all the issues that are disturbing.

In parallel with this dialogue in Arusha, the Bujumbura power through its ambassador accredited to Arusha addressed a correspondence to the Tanzanian foreign relations minister asking to get his hands on the members of the Cnared delegation who are being prosecuted; Which the facilitator did not consider according to Secretary General of Cnared. “The facilitator reassured us that we do not have to worry,” said Anicet Niyonkuru after the audience with Mkapa.

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