Mwanamziki Papa Dennis apendekeza maongezi.
Hisia mseto imeendelea kushuhudia nchini haswa kuhusiana na uapishaji wa rais Uhuru Kenyatta kwa muhula wake wa pili.Huku mrengo wa NASA ukiendelea kushikilia msimamo wake mkali wakumtomtambua Rais Kenyatta kama rais wa nchi , shinikizo ya maongezi baina ya waaniaji hawa wakuu imezidi kushudiwa ya hivi karibuni ikiwa ya mwanamziki wa injili papa Dennis , msaani huyu kupitia kurasa yake ametoa wito kwa viongozi hawa kukutana na kufanya maongezi ya kuunganisha nchi ambayo imegawanyika kutokana na siasa ya jubilee na NASA .papa Dennis pia alivumbua kuwa kinara wa NASA Raila odinga amekuwa wa karibu kwake huku akimtaja kama kielelezo.” I ‘ m papa Dennis Lee grand mkulukulu.its nice to be back home safe and sound .But feeling a bit sad because of the current affairs in my country.
I believe in peace and tranquility .when in did my album launch , baba supported me fully to the extend of coming to grace the occasion he supported me both morally and financially I thank him .on the other hand we experienced peace and support from the local government and other leaders from different political parties and churches .therefore , as a leader in my capacity as an artist I wanna direct my plea to baba Hon former prime minister my mentor , and Hon Uhuru Kenyatta .please can you find it in your hearts to sit and have amicable talks to salvage the current situation in our lovely country kenya .be the great leaders you both are and stop blame shifting and just find a solution for us all # mayaya.# lokolo.” Aliandika papa Dennis .